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Polytex Sample Making System for Memos

Produce your Memo-tickets with small folded labels quick, easy and in highest quality.

Step 1:

Gross Cut

Polytex RM AA card

Pre-cut the fabric directly from the fabric roll by means of

RM / AA-5000/2000

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Step 2:


Pinking card

Cut the fabric stacks to “waterfall” strips in color range for further processing. For efficiency, choose the biggest Pinking Machine your budget allows, e.g.:

ZP-V Pinking Machine


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ZL Pinking Machine


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… oder andere

Step 3:

Edge Fixing

Edge fixing card

Protect the fabric edges to prevent fraying with our 

KR Automatic Overlocker

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Step 4:


Polytex MK card

Mount the folded label (Ticket) with our efficient semi-automatic single or double

MK Memo Ticket Machine

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The Result:


Up to 1200 perfect looking memos per hour with folded labels (tickets) at the upper left or right corner.

Further Sample Making Systems

Do you want to produce a certain type of sample collection? We have the right production system for you: